“Inside the Helix” is a podcast presentation from DNA Genetics that focuses on all things that matter to the pork industry. Hear from DNA's team of geneticists, veterinarians, animal care providers, nutritionists and other industry-leading experts as they explore pig production from genetic improvement all the way to meat quality.

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Latest Episodes

How People Training Impacts Genetic Progress

In this episode of "Inside the Helix," you will hear from Dr. Iara Solar-Diaz, a geneticist with DNA Genetics, who will be talking about how training people impacts ge...

Feeding Strategies For Sexually Mature Gilts & Boars

The nutritional needs of our pigs change throughout the course of their life cycle. In this podcast, you will hear from Jason Schneider, a technical consultant with DN...

Hard Starting Pigs

As the U.S. swine industry has shifted more toward a Duroc sire in the last decade, some producers have noticed a difference in how the pigs transition from weaning to...

Precision Livestock Farming

Precision livestock farming can assist producers with the increased production demand and decrease resources. Lexi Meister, nucleus support with DNA Genetics, discusse...

Pre-Production Boar Management

A fertile boar is an important component of any swine operation. In this episode, Dr. Ashley Hartman, research coordinator with DNA Genetics, explains her research foc...

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